We hope you are all well and preparing for the colder weather - with big knits at the ready, and cosy nights in!
In this month's Purple Post, we have the recording of our brilliant Safeguarding webinar, a reminder about the LLP scheme and some winter well-being tips that could help you avoid any winter blues and boost your immune system.
Have a read through to be updated with all the latest company information and to see what our wonderful teams have been up to!
Safeguarding webinar
This month our Safeguarding webinar was extremely informative with two very special guests - the lovely Gail Lowe and our new guest author Yvonne Sinclair, who is an Independent Safeguarding Consultant.
In the session our guest speakers covered various points within safeguarding, including the main types of abuse, how to act in a child's best interests and creating safe environments for children in settings.
Click the link below to watch, you may learn something new!
All you need to know about Parenta's LLP scheme
Hello from the People Team! We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that once you pass your probation you are invited to join Parenta Partners Limited Liability Partnership.
The Parenta Partners LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) was formed to create a culture of partnership and participation. It offers you a unique opportunity to share in the success of the business and will allow you to have a direct impact on the company’s growth and development.
Being a part of the Parenta LLP will provide you with greater visibility of the business and its performance. Where the business’ profit targets are met and exceeded, we aim to provide you with a profit share, which will be in addition to your salary or any commission or bonus that you earn (if relevant to your role). In the LLP, we are building an inclusive culture, where there is less hierarchy and more collaboration across all areas of the business, and to ensure that everyone wins when the business is more successful.
It’s no secret that adding the LLP structure into our company has led to a number of advantages and cost savings. By introducing the LLP, Parenta has been able to boost overall earnings, reinvest profits into its daily operations AND support our wonderful members by paying out a profit share when we have exceeded our targets.
Becoming a member of the LLP will support the business in reducing overall costs and will benefit you with a 13th month payment if the business achieves its objective.
If you have any questions or would like to join, please send your request to hrsupport@parenta.com.
Winter well-being challenge
Following on from the tips shared in last month’s Winter Well-being post, we thought that it would be helpful to find some challenges that put these tips into practice. One in particular that we would like to focus on is the ’10 Days of Winter Wellness Challenge’. This challenge encourages people to try out a new activity each day for 10 days.
Take a look and try them out for yourself!
● Day 1: One page of journaling
● Day 2: Connect with two friends
● Day 3: Do a three-minute breathing exercise
● Day 4: Carry out four acts of kindness
● Day 5: Identify five positive moments from this week
● Day 6: List six songs/films/books (whatever you prefer!) that you make you happy
● Day 7: Note down seven self-affirmations
● Day 8: Get eight hours of sleep
● Day 9: Go for a nine-minute walk
● Day 10: Do ten minutes of meditation.
Vitamin D - Public Health Backed for winter months
As the winter is drawing upon us, the days are getting shorter which means it is getting harder to absorb Vitamin D or sunshine! The NHS website states that Vitamin D is needed “to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.”
As mentioned previously, it can be hard to ensure we are getting enough Vitamin D during the winter season so it is essential for us to get it whenever we can.
It is recommended by the NHS that adults take 10 Micrograms (400-1000 IU) a day if taken as a dietary supplement. However, we can get Vitamin D from other sources such as food.
Including these foods in your diet can help boost your Vitamin D intake:
● Oily Fish like Salmon, Sardines, Herring and Mackerel;
● Red meat;
● Liver;
● Egg Yolks and Fortified foods such as some fat spreads (Butter, Margarine etc.) and breakfast cereals.
● Mushrooms and Tofu.
As you can see it is crucial that we look after our well-being, especially during the winter so please do feel free to try out some of our suggestions and let us know how it helped you!
From your People Team
A reminder that all Parenta resources to help ourselves, our learners and settings can be found here on our intranet, all in one handy place.
We publish additional industry expert advice, news articles and crafts in our free
magazine and on our
blog .
Here are this month’s How to Guides and new additions to the staff intranet:
Spotlight on… Kylie Knight
This month, we caught up with Kylie who was the Kudos winner for September! Click below to watch her clip!
We have received some amazing testimonials from our Customer Experience team this month - well done everyone!
The positive endorsements that we receive from our existing customers are not only a great way for giving praise to the individuals or teams concerned, but are used as a valuable marketing tool to attract new customers!
Please ensure that after every positive interaction you have with a customer you ask them if they would be willing to send in a short testimonial and then follow up with the usual link https://www.parenta.com/testimonial/
Rosie was very helpful thank you!
Deborah Barton
As always very quick to respond and helpful. Puts up with my daft questions and issues all the time!
Polly Sekenofsky
Amie was very helpful - thank you!
The Parenta support team are so knowledgeable and helpful with any queries I have!
Thanks to all those who have been giving kudos throughout the month – please keep it going, it’s important now more than ever to give each other a deserved ‘pat on the back’. Our winner for October is Amie Leek! Congratulations Amie!
Don't forget you can start voting for our November employee of the month already. Keep that Kudos coming and please give recognition for all the hard work our colleagues are doing.
November is the month of the 'Veg Pledge'
To get involved, become a vegetarian for the month and raise money for an amazing cause, Cancer Research UK, at the same time. This is also a great opportunity to use some of the People Team's winter well-being tips to increase Vitamin D levels by eating mushrooms and tofu.
After all the sweet treats from Halloween why not give it a go!
Our free monthly magazine is packed with news articles and advice pieces - all of which are written to help nursery managers with the efficient running of their settings and to promote the health, happiness and well-being of the children in their care. Please do read it and send the magazine link to your contacts.